School Closure Infographic
A joint committee from the Section on Psychology in Education of the Ontario Psychological Association and the Association of Chief Psychologists in Ontario School Boards commissioned me to develop an infographic on what school psychologists were doing during the Pandemic. After the committee gave me the preliminary text, I made a rough version of the document to help communicate to the client what the final version would look like. I created four illustrative icons and focused on making them look friendly and simple to communicate the message to key stakeholders.

"The Association of Chief Psychologists with Ontario School Boards and their partner, the Section on Psychology in Education of The Ontario Psychological Association, was most pleased with the commissioned work done by Jay Ginsherman. The infographic was delivered ahead of the due date and was well-received by members of both associations. It was presented to the Minister of Education at a provincial Special Education meeting to great acclaim, as it fit well with the Ministry’s priorities. This work is currently on social media and used by school board psychologists to educate stakeholders on what school psychologists can do during school closures."